Tuesday 10 February 2015

5th blood test and flapjacks

L had her 5th blood test this morning, she was happy as she got to watch some Despicable me in the waiting room first, and that her cream had been on for two hours by the time we went in.  She said the lady doing it was very good (she is also the lady who did her first blood test in this series and L rated her highly then) she took the tourniquet off at the earliest opportunity and the play nurse was fab too, she had L trying to spot Wally and made her laugh, before we knew it, it was all over, and she didn't feel faint at all (I was a little worried after last night, but all was fine.)  She had her can of Pepsi and some Haribo (I always give her high sugar foods after as it helps to stop her fainting) and went off to school.

After school R and I decided to make some flapjacks, so he has something to eat when nibbly that is 'simple' and that he can take to school in his lunch box.

We used this recipe: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/8840/funky-flapjacks

We made just plain flapjacks and I only had honey so used two tablespoons of that instead of one of honey and one of golden syrup.  I split the 'wet' mixture in half and used (in separate bowls) half the amount of oats as GF and half as ordinary for the rest of the family.  The 'normal' flapjacks came out fine, but the GF ones were very crumbly, so I'm not sure what went on there.  R said they were very tasty, however I think they'll be too messy to go in his lunchbox, good job he's hot dinners tomorrow :)

Take Care,

Lupin Girl

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