Sunday 12 April 2015

Garlicky Roast Potatoes and Roast Gammon

I love a roast dinner, it's one of my favourites, and one that all of us will eat, which is always a bonus!

Today we had roast gammon, with garlicky roast potatoes, and lots of vegetables, there were peas, sweetcorn, green beans, broccoli and cauliflower, then the amazing Yorkshire puddings and we had gravy with it too.  It was delicious, which was just as well as we ended up eating a lot later than planned and were all starving.

Usually when I do garlicky roast potatoes I use garlic powder, today though I used crushed garlic cloves, and some of the potatoes were REALLY garlicky.

Here's what I did:

             Boil your potatoes, in chunks (halves if your potatoes are small, quarters if they're big) for about 15 minutes.

             Heat up some oil, in a baking tray in a hot oven for the last 5 minutes of that time.

             Whilst your oil is heating peel and crush some garlic cloves, I used up what was left over and drying up on my kitchen side from a different dish, about 4/5 cloves I think.

            Drain your potatoes in a colander, and roughen up their edges by giving them a bit of a shake about.

            Take your pan of oil out of the oven, add the crushed garlic cloves and carefully add your potatoes, pop back into the oven for 20-30 minutes.

            Serve with the rest of your roast, and enjoy.

Lupin Girl x

            Take your oil

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